Start form the beginningThe next day I felt better one more surgery and this would all be done a skin graft was all that was left. Mom Dad and I went to get donuts. When we got back to the house we began to discuss getting out of the house and doing something fun and normal when I got a phone call.
"Emily one of your tests from your last office procedure developed a fungus. We have set up an appointment for you at Infectious diseases today."
"What? - What is that? What does that mean? Not today when my parents have to leave so soon."
All of my questions were met with 'I don't know's' and 'you will just have to go and see'
I hung up the phone not even slightly understanding and said to Mom as she stared, "I have an infection"
All I wanted to do that day was be my Daddy's little girl, and let my Mommy take care of me. I thought,
of course, the one time I have them both, all to myself, and I am sick. Proof, history never repeats itself (that is sarcasm for those who don't know my history).
All day long we were running around Scott and White. Tim left work and joined us as we traversed up to Infectious diseases. The Dr was quite kind, but I was terrified, Did this mean I would lose that finger too? Should I have just sucked up and let go in the ER?
He explained that they found a fungus and that was not nessesarily an infection. It could have just been picked up from the air or in the peetry dish. But, if it was growing on my finger it would need to be reconciled before skin graft surgery. He looked at my mangled finger and said he wanted to look with Dr Wienfeld at the same time and ask him some questions.
Then Mom, Daddy, Tim, and I started the go here, wait there, call so and so, fit you in, ventures. When finally we all squeezed into a treatment room and waited...
We played with Daddy's IPhone, read my blog, and Daddy pointed out how many things were "free" in the room. I still kind of wonder if he didn't stick some tongue depressors in his pocket for cookies-on-a-stick. None-the-less it was not unbearable, for the most part. In fact I think we entertained a few of the nurses in the mean time. Finally both the infectious diseases Dr and the plastic surgeon came in and unwrapped my finger. What a mess to decide things looked fine. So what next?