Thursday, July 15, 2010

So easily forgoten

It has been a while, before digital cameras entered our house even, since I was officially overweight but still it is really amazing when it comes to remembering what it was like.

Weight Watchers is cleaning up our center and has bought frames for emplyee's before and after pictures to be displayed. Great idea! Well, I had lost my official "before" picture (maybe it was subconsciously on purpose. oooo). The picture I had been displaying just wasn't in a good format for the frames, and not NEARLY as telling. I went on a hunt.

In the deep dark recesses of the film negative file, I found my "before" negative scratched and out of focus but no less "telling" shall we say. Tim scanned it in and voila. The "after" shot is one of my favorites, Tim took it and I am proud of that dress as well. I think it shows the difference, though I wish it was a bit more in scale with the other one.

None-the-less, Thanks Weight Watchers for helping me do it, for giving me the last 5 years of After, and for giving me a job that supports my playtime. Off to the upholstery studio! (fine - to the garage)

Sunday, July 04, 2010


Ganache: That shinny, drippy, melt in your mouth nectar of the gods.

Yesssss, it was as good as it looks. Better actually, Tim being out of town meant I had to take the pics with a point and shoot in really bad lighting. Tim could have done much better on the pics; But... yummmm

This one was for a friend of mine so I attended the wedding. I love it when I can have my cake and eat it too.

It was so good! I m not afraid to be proud. Don't strawberries make the most wonderful vehicle in which to carry Chocolate to the mouth?

July 4

Happy 4th! I am off to New Braunfels to visit my Neice for Her birthday!
She is 4, I am going to be the Hero!