Monday, August 07, 2006

How Do I look?

So I was talking with a newly married friend the other day about "How do I look?" She has not been married long enough to know to steer away from such a question. Why? Because any God fearing man in his right mind is actually going to answer the question. Most of the time we ask this question after searching and searching through our closet to find just one thing suitable to the event and we know it is the only thing left to leave any kind of dignity intact. So we get dressed and ask our poor unsuspecting husbands "How do I look?" Tim and I have this worked out, I tell him exactly what I want to hear and he is glad to oblige "Tell me I'm beautiful." I can say at any time and he will respond with enthusiasm "You're beautiful." Most times he even steps it up a notch to "You're gorgeous." or "you're the most beautiful woman in the world." I Love it! I know it may seem lame to others but I don't have unrealistic expectations for him to read my mind and it works well. I have had people tell me it isn't the same if they have to ask. But if it is important it is worth asking for.

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